Two-pieces air bags LUX
bag for button Bajan, or accordion 45 keys, variable two-pieces (alternatively one-pieces) bag suitable for flying transit, accentuated clamp of bottom, padding 20 mm PU + PE foil 1 mm, back straps, strong zipps, inner sizes: 54 x 49 x 23 cm
bag for Bajan 64/120 or accordion 80, 96 bass, two-piece air bag (alternatively one-piece), suitable for air transportation, accentuated clamp of bottom, padding 20 mm PU + PE foil 1 mm, back straps, strong zipps, inner sizes: 50 x 49 x 21 cm
two-piece air bag (alternatively one-piece), suitable for air transportation, reinforced bottom stiffener, back straps, padding 20 mm PU + PE foil 1 mm, stronger zipps, bag for Bajan piano, inner sizes: 58 x 50 x 24 cm